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1. Description

Reaction-diffusion systems are a set of chemical reactions where several catalysts are competing and/or cooperating with each other in a circular manner. For example, in a three catalyst system, catalyst A can help produce catalyst B by inhibiting catalyst C. Catalyst B can help produce catalyst C by inhibiting catalyst A. And catalyst C can help produce catalyst A by inhibiting catalyst B. If a mixture of these three catalysts are put together, spiral waves consisting of the three catalysts will apprear and catch each other's tails over time. A well-known reaction-diffusion example is the Belousov-Zhabotinsky reaction.

The reaction-diffusion rule in this example was translated directly from a CAM Forth program in chapter 9 of Cellular Automata Machines by Tommaso Toffoli and Norman Margolus.

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Last modified June 13, 2008 . All rights reserved.

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